Kings of Fantasy English Premier League – GW 17 Edition

Last updated on December 11th, 2017

At the end of gameweek 16 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 55 managers from the current top 5000 that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons.

Here they are, ordered based on their current fantasy football rank:

Simon Rutherford (Heroes & Villains)
Jay Egersdorff (Costa Del Kuqi)
jez roberts (87 memories)
Loiplioe Leiocisocic (Scorpions)
Martin Horak (Arsenal 4ever)
steve etheridge (Pangolin Lib Front)
George Doyle (Hammer Time)
Jonathan Tan (Eleven that mata)
Patrick Geloof (Kayliam Utd)
Jack Ketley (Sketley’s Scorers)
Robert Vertessy (Robs Toffeemen)
Gøran Østerman Thengs (Ragnvald Zouma)
Robin Morley (Rob’s Rovers)
Barney Le Fevre (The Klopp Outs)
Ian Welch-Phillips (More Sauce)
Sophie Cohen (Blanky FC)
Loz Bowker (Lucky Strikes)
Toby Meller (The Mask of Sava)
Ben Mooney (Men Behaving Chadli)
Joe Mullen (AC Mullan)
James Cooper (CoopersSuperTroopers)
adam hamblin (No Kane no gain)
Darren Lavelle (Jumpers 4 goalposts)
Ashley Gittins (Honey Badgers)
Ian Waterworth (Wart’s Wanderers)
Daniel Fenton (Fentonian Warriors)
Chaz (AZ) Phillips (Salah-La-Land)
Mark Hunt (Hammers United)
Daniel Brett (Real Bournemouth)
Steve Barwood (MrBen***)
Dylan Lobo (Insane in De Bruyne)
Brian Murphy (Hackers)
Woody Huber (Floating Bumblebees)
Vladimir Mojsov (LBJ★★★)
Johnny Sälleberg (Game of Stones)
Gareth Bade (Dyslexia Untied)
Paul Tiensuu (Jesus fever)
Sigurd Holen (Banana Ljubljana)
Edward Emmerson (Adidas Jubilanus**)
Mohamed el ghazaly (FC Mazarita)
Carl Betts (Real Bettis)
Robert Callard (Green and White Army)
Dave Hughes (Coutinho Can Karius)
Mark Bennett (Jobsagoodun)
Jim Sohal (A Team Has No Name)
NazrY Omar (TT^HoLa_MU)
David Isaac (Gangsters Allardyce)
Aonghus Bolster (Axe Capital)
Andrzej Janiszewski (PEPetual rotation)
Christian Larisch (Red Ribbon Army)
Phil Kitchen (ABCDE FC)
Chaz (AZ) Phillips (Salah-La-Land)
Aonghus Bolster (Axe Capital)


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Mark De Carvalho
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