Kings of Fantasy English Premier League – GW 16 Edition

Last updated on December 6th, 2017

At the end of gameweek 15 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 19 managers from the current top 5000 that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons.

Here they are, ordered based on their current fantasy football rank:

  1. Simon Rutherford  
  2. Jay Egersdorff   
  3. George Doyle   
  4. Daniel Brett   
  5. Steve Etheridge   
  6. jez roberts   
  7. Martin Horak   
  8. Barney Le Fevre   
  9. Robert Vertessy   
  10. Sophie Cohen   
  11. Jack Ketley   
  12. Jonathan Tan   
  13. Gøran Østerman Thengs   
  14. Patrick Geloof   
  15. Vladimir Mojsov   
  16. Robin Morley   
  17. Daniel Fenton   
  18. Ian Welch-Phillips   
  19. Luke Tate    

Note: those in bold are new additions to the Kings of FPL (they were previously not in the top 5000 managers)

Do your own analysis and find the best fantasy football managers to follow using the top manager screener here.

Mark De Carvalho
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