Kings of Fantasy English Premier League – GW 10 Edition

Last updated on November 27th, 2017

At the end of gameweek 9 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 17 managers that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons and are ranked in the top 5000 in current season.

Experience looks to be starting to pay off as last week there were only 12 of these managers in the top 5K (10 the week before that).

Here they are, ordered based on their current fantasy football rank:

  1. Lewis Nicklen 
  2. Stu Healey 
  3. Walid Talih 
  4. Lukasz Boisse 
  5. Steve Etheridge 
  6. Paul Tiensuu 
  7. Martin Horak 
  8. Mohamed el ghazaly 
  9. Petar Blagojevic 
  10. Tariq Mahgoub   
Note: those in bold are new additions to the Kings of FPL (they were previously not in the top 5000 managers)

The following managers dropped off from our previous list as they are no longer in the top 5000 current managers.

Do your own analysis and find the best fantasy football managers to follow here.
Mark De Carvalho
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