At the end of gameweek 10 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 16 managers from the current top 5000 that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons. Here they are, ...
At the end of gameweek 8 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 12 managers that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons and are ranked in the top 5000 in current s...
At the end of gameweek 11 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 14 managers from the current top 5000 that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons. Here they are, ...
At the end of gameweek 12 of the 2017/18 season of fantasy EPL, there were only 20 managers from the current top 5000 that have consistently placed in the top 100K in previous seasons. Here they are, ...
This team is built using the following factors: Ownership rank from the top 5000 FPL managers (see managers here) Ownership changes across all managers in the current GW (live teams) Top 2 Goalkeeper ...
This team is built using the following factors: Ownership rank from the top 1000 FPL managers Ownership changes across all managers in the current GW (live teams) Top 2 Goalkeeper Picks Robert Elliot ...
This team is built using the following factors: Ownership rank from the top 100 FPL managers Ownership changes across all managers in the current GW (live teams) Top 2 Goalkeeper Picks David de Gea Ro...
Introducing a new tool to the Top FPL Managers toolkit. You can now get stats on player ownership within the top 5000 FPL managers. This will allow fantasy football analysts to identify popular player...
Introducing a new filtering capability to the Top FPL Managers tool. You can now filter by whether a manager has played their bench boost chip or not. This will allow fantasy football analysts to bett...
Introducing a new filtering capability to the Top FPL Managers tool. You can now filter by whether a manager has played their wildcard chip or not. This will allow fantasy football analysts to better ...
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